Wednesday, November 26, 2014

M&M's for Breakfast

“No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear."

C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed

Three weeks ago today, I lost the only unconditional love that I have ever known.  My mom was a beautiful, kind, funny, and generous spirit – and she was my best friend.  She religiously called me at 6 am and kept me company on my commute to work and she was the first person I called crying when I got the flu last year.  At some point during every conversation that I had with her, she asked me about what I had for breakfast, what I packed for lunch, and what I was cooking for dinner.  She was the last person left on this planet that would freak out if I let it slip that I hadn’t eaten all day…

And now, there is just this huge void…the kind of void that I once filled with alcohol and pills…A hollow emptiness that can make your voice echo for days.  The kind of gaping hole that threatens to swallow a person up if they don’t step slowly and gingerly around it.

I have mantras that get me through the day:  This too…May this serve awakening…Forgiven, Forgiven…May I feel held in loving presence…Safe and at ease…

Today, I had M & M’s for breakfast.  I had Nachos for lunch.  And I had Coca Cola for dinner.

Forgiven, forgiven…

I didn’t take a pill…I didn’t drink a bottle of wine…

It was the best I could do…

Tomorrow will be better…and if it isn’t, well…then some tomorrow in the future will be better.

I am going to bed sober…

It wasn’t a banner day,

But it was enough.

Just for today…it was enough…

Monday, November 3, 2014

Say I Love You

Say I Love you

Say it randomly

To the people closest to you

To a stranger on the street

To yourself in the mirror

Tell someone what you love most

About who they are

And then another thing

There can’t be too many

Just say it out loud

Watch it light them up

Watch it light you up

Say “I love you”

Say it again and again

Because everything else

Is just idle conversation.

c. sharshel